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Whether you need to straighten your teeth for aesthetic concerns or correct a bite for function, Invisalign is the industry leader and ME Dental's choice for clear orthodontic alignment. As San Francisco's Invisalign expert we ensure all our patients finish their treatment with their teeth in the position that is the best for them aesthetically and functionally. Our team is happy to provide you an Invisalign consultation, all you have to do is call us at 415.404.6044 to get things started. 


The way your teeth come together and the alignment of your teeth plays a huge role on the health of your teeth and your gums. If you have an uneven bite, this can cause excess wear on specific teeth and can also cause localized areas of gum recession. Crowding and overlapping teeth in your mouth, can not only cause gum inflammation and recession, but also provide an area where plaque can accumulate faster due to difficulty in keeping the area clean. If crowding is not fixed during the early stages, your teeth will continue to crowd as you age. 

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