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Doing smile makeovers and full mouth rehabilitations is my passion and there is nothing in dentistry that I love doing more. We are restoring function and health to patient's teeth and as a result, we create something beautiful that improves a patient's teeth and smile, ultimately changing their life. 

Many people think that getting veneers is something that only celebrities do or something people to do get perfect teeth. Throughout our lives, our teeth go through a lot-  teeth grinding, gum recession, cavities, discoloration, crowding, etc-some more than others. As a result, we lose ideal function and esthetic on our teeth. With art through porcelain, we restore the teeth to ideal function and appearance. 

Every case is uniquely designed to each patient. From the intricate shaping of the teeth done by me, and the porcelain lab work done by Frontier Dental Laboraties, we spend hours ensuring that the patient has a set of veneers that mimic nature but still enhances a patient's smile, appearance, function, and most importantly, confidence.

Book your complimentary cosmetic consultation and start the process to improving your smile.

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Before and after's of dr. Moran's work

What are porcelain veneers?

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are permanently cemented on the front of the teeth to enhance the shape, shade and esthetics of the tooth. 

How do I protect my investment?

After the veneers are permanently cemented, we make you a complimentary night guard/retainer to wear every night. This ensures that your veneers and your natural teeth are protected from any grinding or clenching. 

Additionally, just like taking care of your natural teeth, you have to brush 2x/day and floss 1x/ day and keep up with your every 4-6 month cleanings and check ups. 

What dental lab do you use to make the veneers?

We use Frontier Dental Laboratories

How long does the whole process take?

The whole process take up to just one month. 

The first appointment consists of the consultation, determining the wants and needs of the patient, comprehensive digital photography of the full face and teeth of the patient and doing a digital scan. These are sent to the lab to fabricate a wax up. 

The second appointment will be to prep the teeth and make the temporary veneers. The temporaries are made based on the wax up. The patient will have a few days to test run the temporaries and will be seen a few days after to make any final adjustments


The cementation date takes place 2-3 weeks after the prep appointment. This includes cementing the final veneers

Does it hurt?

During the preparation and cementation appointment you will have to be given local anesthesia. The injections are the only part that hurts throughout this whole process. With the local anesthetic, you won't feel anything throughout the treatment. We also offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) for patients who want extra comfort to alleviate their anxiety. 

Post op sensitivity and slight gum soreness is expected, but all this can be alleviated with Ibuprofen and will decrease with time. 

How do I know what the final result will look like?

The temporary veneers gives an idea to the patient as to how the final veneers will look like. 

The temporaries veneers are made from the wax up from the lab. We send in detailed photos and descriptions as to what the patient wants and what the teeth should look like when giving the instructions to the lab for the wax up. When the temporary veneers are on the patient, the patient has a few days to "test drive" the temporaries and see if they like the esthetics, the shape, and the feel of it. We then do a digital scan of the final temporary veneers and send it to the lab so the lab knows how to proceed with the final veneers. The shade of the final veneers is also chosen together with the patient and is ensured to be customized to patient overall facial esthetics. 

How much does it cost?

We follow the average fee of veneers in San Francisco which ranges from $1800-2000 depending on the case. 

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