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Dental services
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Dental Crowns and Bridges

Dental Crowns:

Crowns are necessary for teeth that have large cavities, broken teeth, cracked teeth, or replacement of old and broken large silver and white fillings.


When a tooth is broken, has a large cavity, or a large old filling, there is not a lot of tooth structure left. Because of this, there is not a lot of tooth structure left for the filling to bond to and it is for this reason, that we have to place a crown on the tooth.


If you bite on something hard or clench or grind your teeth, you may experience Cracked tooth syndrome. When you feel pain on biting after biting on something hard and the pain persists after a few days, please give us a call.  If the crack is stills superficial and has not propagated to the nerves or the root of the tooth, it can still be treated by placing a crown on the tooth. If the crack has gone into the nerve then you will need a root canal before placement of the crown. 


The crown builds back up the tooth to its original shape and size and prevents it from breaking further. We make custom fit, lab fabricated, porcelain crowns that match your teeth in shade, shape, and size. We ensure that every crown we make and place fits perfectly and will last in your mouth for at least 5 years.


Tooth Bridges 

When you are missing a tooth, sometimes placing an implant is not an option for you. Another option to replace a tooth is placing a dental bridge. A bridge uses the two adjacent teeth of the missing site as the support to hold the bridge. To ensure a long lasting bridge, you have to ensure that you clean the bridge well using a floss threader and water pik to prevent plaque build up.

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